My mom got an iphone. Big deal in the Chesnut house, especially because we are all so technologically challenged. We have taken turns teaching her the ins and outs of the user-friendly gadget so today was my turn to tackle the topic of applications. They are icons on the iphone that have various purposes but most of mine are games.

Anyways, one of my favorite past-times is to search the 25 most downloaded free apps then to try a few out. Tonight I found one that gives you your own planet and makes you God called GodFinger. If you stop to think about it, many video games do that- they give us the power that we don't have in the real world. Maybe this is sacrilegious, but if it is, then so is Sims and Red Alert and all of the video games that I grew up on. This app just says point blank that it makes you the God of your planet. I mostly tell you to get it because then I can have friends on it and get another bonus.... I'm turning into one of those wackos I'm been making fun of for months; the ones who log onto facebook 30 times a day to check their farmville. People get so addicted to that game that 7-eleven actually made a drink which gets you point on farmville. It's unfortunate how advertising plays to our weak spots and gets away with it. One of the oddest parts of GodFinger is that the game isn't even a competition like other obsessions such as words with friends. I actually only compete against myself and no one cares about this but me. Well, it's hard to live the life of an individualist.
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